ORIC Support
There are 23 Aboriginal Corporations (ORICs) operating on the Groote archipelago and the RDU is actively supporting 12 of them. ORIC stands for Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations. The ALC’s Royalty Development Unit engages with ORIC’s and has the ability to tailor the services offered to what a local entity requires. The support services include business development, government grant applications, accounting services, governance and HR. Administration includes detailed quarterly progress reports and budget updates for Directors of each ORIC.
Long-term support from RDU continues for the local Aboriginal Corporations of Bartalumba Mini Mart, Yimadumanja Alyangula Coffee Shop, Lagulalya on Bickerton Island, Mungwardinamanja Aboriginal Corporation and Nuburrumanja Aboriginal Corporation, Other service providers receiving RDU support includeEylandt Clean Ups, who arehelping to keep communities and outstations neat, safe & tidy, and the dynamic Bush Fit Mob crew who are engaging local youth in schools and communities across the archipelago in sport, health, fitness, and greater wellbeing.
Examples of ongoing support provided to ORIC’s include:
- Supporting all Groote based ORIC’s involvement with the Future Groote Strategy and all the activities that are part of that collaborative work, for post mining sustainability.
- Supporting with project design and paperwork involved with applying for funding provided to all ORIC’s; this role is closely linked to the Future Groote Strategy and Local Decision Making Agreement TO entities. The funding opportunities are for submissions to the Aboriginals Benefit Account rounds and other Commonwealth and NTG grant opportunities
- Supporting with project design, compiling documentation and budgets involved in brokering new initiatives or expanding programs, including contribute to brokering collaboration between Aboriginal Corporations, to maximise the development of the priority initiatives (e.g. Future Groote Strategy).