Community Goods
The Community Goods program was established by the ALC to address a deficit in essential household furniture and goods on Groote Eylandt. The ALC Board conducted a survey of traditional owner households to determine what everyday goods they wanted, and over 94 containers of goods were distributed for free to communities. These items included household appliance, toys, bicycles, and other household goods.
An essential activity that has grown and evolved through consultation with the beneficiaries are a Warehouse facility which stocks around $1.5 Million of goods that the Traditional owners can purchase at cost. Four Traditional Owners are employed at the warehouse. The ALC Board has approved the purchase and distribution of household goods to the community. RDU purchase these goods at favourable prices and they are shipped to Groote and then distributed to community at no cost to the individual households.
The RDU has sourced these items, in some cases directly from manufacturers, and made them available to the community. The survey will be periodically re-performed to ensure goods that are of benefit to the community are accessible.