New Admin Office – Darwin
Staff at the Anindilyakwa Land Council head office on Groote Eylandt will soon have room to
A $1.5 million extension to the building will allow better accommodation for 10 new staff
spaces and ease overcrowding for the other 140 workers.
“At the moment, we’re crammed in,” says land council infrastructure and development manager
Matt Houston. “We’ve grown rapidly over the past two years.”
The work includes converting the old boardroom into office space and building a new 150
square metre boardroom building for 60 people.
There will also be room for 150 people in a new contemporary outdoor gathering space.
This means the land council can hold important meetings with Traditional Owners and other
stakeholders in more comfort.
The extension follows a $250,000 upgrade to the head office a few years ago, a job paid for
from royalties.
The upgrade inspired Mr Houston, a building designer by profession, to provide a concept
design for the extension and put the concept to the land council board for approval.