Land Access Permits
If you wish to undertake any of the following activities on Aboriginal land in the Groote Archipelago, you will need to apply to the Anindilyakwa Land Council for a permit:
- Enter Aboriginal land for any purpose
- Travel by road through Aboriginal land (Note: this does not apply to public roads or mining leases (held by Groote Eylandt Mining Company GEMCO).
- Enter or visit an Aboriginal outstation/community where no Commonwealth Government head lease applies. Angurugu, Umbakumba and Milyakburra communities are covered by Commonwealth Leases; visitors do not require a permit to visit these communities.
Please note that permit requirements apply to all persons visiting Aboriginal lands (not under lease) for work or other purposes on a short or long-term basis. This includes:
- Recreation areas
- Tourists
- Contractors
- Journalists
- Hawkers
- Representatives of any group, company agency or government department not covered by statutory permit arrangement
Depending on your purpose, you will require one or more of the permits listed below.
Recreation Permit
There are 15 designated recreation areas on Groote Eylandt open to visitors for fishing and camping (with permits), fully accessible by vehicle as well as boat. All persons over the age of 15 must hold a valid Recreation Permit.
You must visit the Anindilyakwa Land and Sea Rangers at Pole 13 to organise your Recreation Permit on arrival to Groote Eylandt.
Click on the link below for more information and a map of designated areas.

Special Access Permit
Visitors wishing to enter Aboriginal land outside designated recreation areas must apply for a Special Access Permit. This includes, but is not limited to, those seeking to enter land for recreational purposes or to undertake research, environmental or commercial projects.
If individuals wish to access recreation areas for any purpose other than recreation, they must also apply for a Special Access Permit.
Click on the link below to download our info sheet.

Research, Film and Photography Permit
Permission is required prior to research, film or photography that could lead to commercial activities or publication. Publications that are unauthorised may lead to mental harm, physical injury or have other serious repercussions amongst Anindilyakwa people.

Liquor Permit
Please note that Groote Eylandt is a Prescribed Area. As a condition of your permit, under specific request by the Traditional Owners, no alcohol or drugs are to be brought in or consumed in any of the recreation areas.
Alcohol may only be consumed in Alyangula, either upon licensed premises or with a liquor permit-holder, in their place of residence.

Frequently Asked Questions
Click the link below for a list of Frequently Asked Questions in relation to Permits.