Infrastructure and Development
Infrastructure can be expensive to develop and maintain, which is why the ALC has recognised the need to be efficient with its future investment decisions. The ALC aims to ensure the best practical delivery of services across the Groote Archipelago and has developed the Strategic Infrastructure Plan 2020-2025 to help achieve this.
The Strategic Infrastructure Plan 2020-2025 (the Plan) is the first infrastructure based plan developed by the ALC to provide strategic direction for the entire ALC capital asset portfolio. The Plan also forecasts future capital investments and planned maintenance over a five-year period. The document is a living document and will be regularly updated to reflect the objectives of the council, as they evolve overtime. The plan supports a proactive and planned approach for project delivery and managing/maintaining assets, while also aligning any future spending with the overall Corporate Plan 2019/20 – 2022/23.
Key elements of the Plan are:
- Developing cost-effective asset management strategies for the long term;
- Taking a life cycle approach to asset management;
- Ensuring the sustainable use of physical resources; and
- Providing a basis for the continuous improvement in asset management practices.
ALC’s Infrastructure and Development Branch is solely responsible for the delivery of the Strategic Infrastructure Plan 2020-2025. Being one of the newest branches within the ALC, the Infrastructure and Development Team has evolved rapidly over the past 2 years. Varying capabilities within the team ensures all major and minor infrastructure projects (including planned and unplanned maintenance) are delivered on time, within budget and to the highest standard.
The ALC delivers a number of projects ranging in complexity and value. There are currently 83 infrastructure projects identified in the Strategic Infrastructure Plan 2020-2025.
The Strategic Infrastructure Plan 2020-2025 categorises ALC’s assets and infrastructure as follows:
- Building Infrastructure;
- Mechanical Infrastructure;
- Renewable Energy Assets; and
- Civil (Road) Infrastructure
Visit our Publications page to view our Strategic Infrastructure Plan 2020-2025.
Building Infrastructure
ALC’s building infrastructure assets are located primarily in Umbakumba, Milyakburra, Angurugu, Alyangula and Pole 7, 12 & 13 (Alyangula). Building Assets are grouped based on the nature of the service they provided.

Mechanical Infrastructure
Mechanical infrastructure assets are generally associated with building infrastructure assets and include things like air conditioners and generators.

Renewable Energy (REI) Assets
The Renewable Energy Infrastructure Assets
service remote communities located on Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island and are located at:
- Bartalumba Bay Outstation
- Little Paradise Outstation
- Four Mile Outstation
- Emerald River
Photovolatic (PV) systems are the only type of REI Infrastructure Assets currently provided on Groote Eylandt.

Civil (Road) Infrastructure
ALC’s road infrastructure is located across Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island and primarily consists of unsealed (or only partly sealed) access roads connecting satellite communities to the nearest remote town.

Minor and Major Projects
ALC delivers a range of projects as to achieve the objectives of the council. Every project is unique; each with its own complexities, risks and timelines.