Groote Eylandt Permit Requirements
The people of Groote Eylandt are proud to show off their home and culture.
But they ask that visitors demonstrate the same kind of respect and courtesy that they would when entering anybody else’s house.
There are hundreds of non-Indigenous mine workers on Groote.
And many other outsiders want to visit because the archipelago is a paradise for recreational anglers, amateur photographers, explorers and nature lovers.
There are secret coves, cliffs, sandy bays, reefs and rainforest tracks.
A permit is needed to visit Groote.
And special permission is required to carry out research, filming or photography that could lead to commercial activities or publication.
The Anindilyakwa Land Council safeguards the intellectual property of Anindilyakwa people, including bush tucker, bush medicines and local bio-pharmaceuticals accessed from cultural knowledge.
Guests are also asked to respect the privacy of people living in Aboriginal communities.
Indigenous people tend to be more polite to strangers than most non-Aboriginal groups and are more inclined to “agree” to requests from visitors, such as being photographed.
Visitors are asked not to take advantage of people’s hospitality by intruding into their lives uninvited.
They are also reminded that skimpy attire can offend.
Call the Anindilyakwa Land and Sea Rangers on 08 8987 6703 for more information on access permits.