Future Groote
Future Groote Strategic Plan
The purpose of the ALC 15-year Strategic Plan (2012 – 2027) is to allow the Anindilyakwa people to take the future into their own hands. It is a culmination of the thoughts, vision and articulation of the Anindlyakwa people.

6 Local Decision Making Agreements
On 14 November 2018, the ALC and NT Government entered into a Local Decision Making Agreement (LDMA). Under the LDMA, the Anindilyakwa people of the Groote Archipelago now determine the service delivery models that work best for their communities and region.

Anindilyakwa Treaty
The ALC sees the Local Decision Making agreement as a pre-curser to a treaty agreement. Under the Local Decision Making, the Northern Territory Government has agreed in principle to the creation of a new Anindilyakwa Local Government Council. The ALC sees this as an important step towards self-governance on the Groote Archipelago.