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The Anindilyakwa Land Council is succeeding in its drive to employ as many local Aboriginal staff as possible.

About 80 of the land council’s 120 workers are Indigenous.

Community Support Program manager Rachael Kleinschmidt says: “There’s a policy to employ local people. It’s a must.”

Seventeen of her 25 staff are Indigenous.

The CSP provides a range of training, including helping people transition from one job to another.

“Someone may be working at the art centre but doesn’t want to do that all their working lives. They may want to switch to administration. We train them to be able to do that.

“We support and encourage all staff to train to become future leaders.”

There is also a numeracy and literacy officer.

The CSP performs a wide range of services, including:

  • Medical help, such as arranging flights for treatment in Darwin
  • Funeral support
  • Welfare services, including responding to domestic violence
  • Distribution of royalties
  • Aged care