COVID Information
On 5 June 2020 the Biosecurity Determination was lifted. Accordingly, there are no longer any restrictions on persons travelling to the Groote Archipelago from elsewhere within the Northern Territory.
Persons travelling to the Groote Archipelago are no longer required to apply for a Groote Archipelago Community Access Permit.
Persons travelling from interstate are required to comply with the NT Border restrictions, and may have to quarantine for 14 days on arrival to the NT. Further information about this can be found here.
Any person travelling outside of Alyangula, Angurugu, Umbakumba and Milyakburra is required to apply for a Recreational Permit. More information about the Recreational Permits can be found here.
Anindilyakwa Safe
The AnindilyakwaSafe website is a special site dedicated to facilitating access to, and preserving, coronavirus information relevant to Groote.
The video content was led by Warnumamalya staff at the clinic and the video is a joint production
of the Angurugu Clinic, ALC Media, Angurugu Radio, and the Language Centre.