The COVID-19 vaccination roll-out on Groote Eylandt is continuing however vaccination rates amongst traditional owners remains low (320 fully vaccinated and 250 one dose only), out of an estimated population of 2,000.
The Board held an important meeting to discuss the ways in which it could increase vaccination rates amongst traditional owners. The vaccination is considered the best defence in keeping the community safe from COVID-19, particularly with the highly contagious Delta variant spreading across Australia.
The Board resolved to offer $500 payments to all eligible traditional owners on the royalties list who have been fully vaccinated (two doses), or who go and get fully vaccinated (two doses). Anyone who has not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can listen to information about the vaccination rollout in Anindilyakwa at the Territory Health Department https://coronavirus.nt.gov.au/ and should contact the ALC Community Support office to book in their vaccination.