Art Centre visits Anindilyakwa kids living in Cairns for School
In February 2020 , artists Sharna Wurramara and Tammy Lalara made their way to Cairns to teach weaving to the Anindilyakwa kids living in Cairns for school. They spent time with family and made new friends weaving with the Indigenous students at the AFL Cape York Boarding House and Bentley College.
Sharna says “We like teaching the weaving, all the kids from Groote Eylandt , from Milyakburra, Angurugu and Umbakumba. They liked it too. They told me they want to learn more . It was good to see family , they were happy . I taught them to make baskets with pandanas, little baby baskets. Tammy showed them how to make baskets with bush dyed fabric, rope and Pandanas. We were all happy . They made eninguba basket-a”
The kids made beautiful baskets and will be on Eylandt next week to touch base with home, country and culture, taking part in cultural activities with the art centre, language centre and rangers.